The U.S. Green Building Council is a non-profit organization that administers the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) green building rating system.
LEED-certified green buildings are becoming more and more popular, and are even mandated by some cities for all municipal buildings and new commercial construction. We at Cashins & Associates have been getting more and more involved in Green Building projects around the region. These projects have ranged from 10,000 square foot single-story buildings to 600,000 plus square foot high-rise office buildings.
One of the chief components of the LEED rating system is Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). LEED requirements include developing an air quality maintenance program, routine air quality assessments, and final air testing.
Cashins & Associates has provided assistance to many companies in achieving LEED Certification for their buildings.
Cashins & Associates has been involved in many successful green building projects. Our experience, technical knowledge, and client-centered business philosophy can help ensure that your project runs smoothly and successfully. Please contact us to find out more about how we can be a useful asset to your team.
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